Thursday 3 March 2011

Why the planet Venus should exercise

This blog is dedicated to two girls I know, and wish they would notice this: AD and AS

Lately, I have been noticing a new trend amongst Delhi females. They do not hide it, they are not afraid to show it, and try absolutely nothing to take care of it. Welcome to the age of the 'pot belly'.

Let's face it. You know what I am talking about. You have been worried sick of this phenomena, and take a new pledge everyday to try and take care of it. But that day becomes tomorrow, then the next day, then the next day, so on and so forth...

You have all kinds of excuses for this. I'm too busy, too much work pressure, no time, want to sleep that hour extra etc etc... But what you do not realize is that it is you who will be facing the consequences soon. What goes around comes around you see.

I have been a regular at the gym for the past two years now, and I can frankly admit that there is absolutely no better feeling than leaving the gym sweating all over (other than probably kissing your girlfriend at the top of the Eiffel Tower). It has been scientifically proven that exercise releases 'Happy hormones' in your body, making you feel on top of the world...My question to you is, Why the F don't you want to be Happy? Is it actually that difficult to give yourself one hour everyday?

Though I am no professional trainer, but I am going to give you some tips that I learned over a period of time and would help you keep the curve in check (I know all of you are such lazy asses that you are still not going to go to the gym anyway)

  • Kick the habit of smoking. Nothing harms your body more than a stick of tobacco. Not even alcohol.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. And that could be water too. Not only will it help to raise your defense systems, but also keep away all those pimples and acne you dread. Just make it a point to drink one glass of water every hour. Just one.
  • Walk. There is no better exercise if you cannot run on a treadmill. Start by going out for 15 min walks, and then slowly pick the pace and duration as well. This requires as much time as listening to 4 songs on your Ipod, and you are done!
  • Eat right. Try and keep your hands off burgers and Shahi Paneers the next time you go out. Eat something that fills you, but is healthy as well. Eat Garden Salads, Corn Cups. Even Golgappas will do! Yum! Try eating small meals at regular intervals. Instead of three full meals, break it down in 6 small meals.
  • If you sit in an office, walk after you had lunch. Stretch sitting in your chair, or if you are too shy, stretch in the loo. You do not want your spine to feel cramped all the time, because it can cause serious problems, and you don not want that, do you?
  • Though you are going to create a ruckus around it, but try and get ample sleep. Everyday. Sleeping through weekends is not going to compensate for the remaining 5 days.
  • If some day all hell breaks lose and you binge on a burger/pizza, skip one meal in lieu of that. Also, drink a lemonade without sugar after it and you will be fine.
Special Tip: Please start drinking milk ladies. I know you hate it, and I wish Calcium Sandoz could help you. But it cannot. You need the Calcium that milk provides. After all, scientists and doctors are not mentally unstable that they tell you milk is the most complete diet supplement. If it is too much for you, start by drinking just one cup everyday, and then switch over to a glass.

Eye of the Tiger ladies :)

I have not mentioned any special exercises or any stringent diet rules. Even if you want to eat a Pizza, just keep in mind how can you burn those calories. Eat right and exercise, and see that curve diminish. Come on ladies, men are still interested!!! :)

P.S. Though I have not mentioned the guys here, but just keep one thing in mind all you mates. If you want your girl to look good, you better buckle up too! 

Stay Fit, Stay Happy :)


  1. awwwww..!!!!!! u had to make this public nai ..!!! but appreciate your concern ..!! n would think about it..!!:P

  2. I loooovvvee milk By the way... :p

  3. Aditi: it is for your own good...u wanna look good for the d-day, don't u? :)

  4. yes... i wanna look good... and u wait n watch... i will...
