Friday 8 April 2011

The You-Know-Which-Trip...dissected The Final Chapter

To all my friends at MMC...U guys seriously rock...

11th March 2010, 8:00 AM

After sleeping like a one-year old baby, I was woken up by the alarm. Erstwhile, everyone in my room was ready except me and Rohan Ji. First of all, getting up, it took me a moment to realize where I was. I had actually forgotten in my sleep that I was in Nainital. Anyways, I got up and did my usual exercises (God, how I missed my gym!) and finally by 9.30, went with everyone for breakfast.

9.30 AM

The breakfast that day was neither delecious nor good-looking, so I decided to stick to jam and bread only. Everyone around me was having coffee/tea, and I could feel the warmth getting in their body just by sitting next to me. I enquired about how the coffee tasted (It must be hard-to-believe, but I have never had coffee in my life, ever). Apoorva suggested that I gave it a try, and I asked her to get me one. I don't know wether coffee generally tastes this bad, or was it just that cup, but it was really bad. Till that day, I had only seen coffee drinkers enjoying their cups as if it was the end of the world for them. But after tasting, I can safely say that nothing beats Bournvita and milk :)

After breakfast we decided on the day's itinerary. We had a lot of places to cover and very little time. So the initial itinerary decided for the day was:

1. Head to Naini lake for boating. Then visit the Naini temple.
2. Go to the ropeway.
3. Come back to hotel for lunch.
4. Visit the cave museum.

Though I insisted that we should leave the juniors alone, Rohan Ji being the 'sabka bhala chahne wala' he is, asked them to join us too. Finally, we marched

11.30 AM

Upon reaching Naini lake and seeing the rope-way going over the lake, we revised the itinerary. First, the rope-way and then the boating, it was decided. We headed towards the entry gate (in the mean time, some controversial pictures were clicked),

Controversy :)

but after collecting 150 Rs. from everyone, we split in 3 groups and made our way over the mountain.

12:00 AM

Boy, did we have fun on the hilltop. As soon as I got down, I saw a shooting game happening between Apoorva and Swati. I decided to join them, test my own skill (which I came to know later, I was pretty good at). I took 10 shots, and all of them hit the target. Next best was Apoorva, who hit 8/10. Swati was more interested in hitting the air than the target, and the farther the target got, the more air she hit.

Bull's Eye

 Finally giving that up, we decided to visit the other side of the ropeway, and look at China Peak.

As luck would have it, China Peak was not visible, weather being the culprit. But we got a lot of pictures clicked with guns (literally) and pissed the gunman off. Before he could fire at us, we ran off the place, avoiding casualties.

As we were making our way down, we heard a sound 'Aaaaaaahhhhhh and Vrooooom'. Being the inquisitive-headed man I am, I ran towards the place where the sound was coming from. We saw what can be aptly described  as 'Stairway to Heaven'. A 20 feet high ride that takes you up and then brings you screaming down. Now I'm quite sure that everyone has done this once in their lifetime (If you haven't, where have you been living mate? Stone Age?). 60 Rs per head. I joined in.


 The first lot to go was Gitika, Me and Mustaquim. Though me and Mustaquim Mia were reasonably comfy, Gitika's face said it all. A cocktail of Fear, Excitement and Nervousness gripped her. And what can an adrenaline junkie like me ask for? "Tu gai Gitika", I said, laughing looking at her face. She was so nervous she didn't even reply. I waited for the ride to start. Slowly, it took us up. I had brought my camera along. The scene from the top was breath-taking. As soon as I had clicked a couple of pictures, the ride went down with full force. "Wooooooo" I shouted, while the same echo came from Gitika, albeit in some kind of a different tone. Then it went up again, and this time, brought us down in rather 'vigerous' shakes. It was fun.

Gitika's expression says it all

In the next time, Megha, Apoorva and Swati went. They enjoyed it too. This time, I decided to sit on the other side, from where we could see the Naini Lake.I was joined by Megha and Gitika (again!). The expression on her face still remained the same. But we did enjoy this time too.

Our time to go back via the rope was 1.15 PM. We gathered near the rope-way only to be told that the rope-way had developed a snag. and therefore will take up time. To kill some time, me, Swati and Apoorva headed for another game of shooting, the result being the same. Me: 10/10, Apoorva : 9/10, Swati: More or less hitting air :)

After the shooting, we all decided to rest a little bit. We went to one of the eateries of the place. I did not order anything. Gitika, Apoorva and Swati ordered a plate of Maggi, and some juice. I thank the Juicewala till date because that glass of juice brought out a side of Apoorva that frankly, I had never seen before, nor do I ever again intend to. You see, so far Apoorva had been, as far as I was concerned, normal. But that glass of juice brought out a (sorry to say, but true) horny, uncontrolled energy out in her.

Trip Turner
The full effects would be described in the later paragraphs of this post.

2:00 PM

Finally, thankfully, the rope-way started again. We all climbed in the groups we had come in, and went down. Ours was the last group to get off the rope-way. Some students had by that time got into a skating rink and were trying their luck in skating, failing miserably. I asked Rohan Ji what the itinerary would be now, as the rats of my stomach were ready to jump out. So again, Rohan Ji revised the itinerary. We had to head back to the hotel, have our lunch, and then come back to the Naini lake for boating and to visit the temple.

We all started our 3 Km trek towards the hotel. Me, Apoorva, Rohan Ji, Swati, Ratika and Garima decided to take the same route we had come from. We were the first lot to leave. However , when we were very near to the hotel, we saw everyone coming from another direction. Apparently, there was a short-cut, which we were not aware of. Cursing each other, we headed to our hotel.

4:00 PM

Stomachs full, we decided to head back to the lake. This time though, we decided to take the short-cut. We reached the lake at around 4.30. As soon as we reached, we were swarmed by the local boatwallas. We decided, after much debate, that we would use the row boat and not the pedal boat, because frankly, after seeing the fitness level of my friends on the trip, I was quite sure not even one boat would be able to complete one full circle of the lake. We all sat in groups of 4, and only one boat got 5.

In my boat, Rohan Ji, Mohit, me, and Mohnish were sitting. Me and Rohan Ji grabbed the better, more comfy seats, while Mohit and Mohnish had to take a plank of wood. Though we got a bit uncomfy in our lifejackets (and honestly, I think Rohan Ji just got stuck sitting with me, otherwise the seat was large enough to hold me only), we went ahead. The water was freezing cold, and no one was in a mood to talk much, because the scenes around were quite nice. We clicked a couple of pictures, when we heard a voice "Koi hamari bhi kheench lo". The juice was taking effect. Apoorva was shouting in the middle of the lake, with other boats around, imploring anyone who could pull her ___. Finally, Rakhu obliged..., and clicked her picture.

Koi hamari bhi kheench lo :)

After taking a round of the lake, we decided to head towards the Naina Devi temple. We all got down, and the last boat to come in was the one carrying 5 people. The boat comprised of Megha, Ujaley, Ratika, Allen Parker and Neera. While docking, Megha, as usual, created a ruckus. The boat started to wobble, and we could see Ujaley's tounge darting in and out like a chameleon. I was told by Apoorva that this is what Ujaley does when he is nervous. We all laughed, and that increased the darts per second even more. Finally, everyone got down, and we walked towards the temple.

Being the atheist I am, I decided to sit out of this event. I was joined by Keerti. We sat just outside of the temple, while everyone else went inside. We chit-chatted for some time, when people started to come out. Everyone came out in about 20 minutes, but there were a couple of people missing. Upon enquiry, we came to know that Mohit and Neera were still inside. Mohit was getting some special puja, and would take some time. We enquired about the cave museum, and came to know that it would have closed by the time. So, another itinerary revision came. We decided to skip the cave museum all together, and decided to stroll down the mall road.

There is always a time in every trip when you want to say, 'Why god why', and that moment came during the mall road stroll. Being with girls, and that too juice-affected girls, spreading their germs to other girls too, you have to be extra conscious. The affects can vary from person to person. Some may shout 'Mera Boyfriend Hai, OK'?, while others would get inside random shops and buy nothing. Some would be teased, while others would just wander off without the group, only to get lost (Ujaley), deep in their photography slumber. After a while, when we could not take the chilly air anymore we decided to cut short the trip and head back to the hotel, where we were told a bonfire was waiting for us.

9:00 PM

We all gathered around the bonfire, warming our bones, when the juice decided to raise its ugly head again. Girls became possessed, and some stuff in the pictures which cannot be mentioned in this blog.

Juice taking effect

Anyways, we headed for our dinner at 9.30, and at around 10.30, went to our rooms

11:00 PM

We all bunked in Megha's balcony, where we were later joined by Swati, Apoorva, Keerti and other members of our room. We discussed some general stuff: about college, friends, life etc, got some pictures clicked, discussed the trip we just have had etc. Though we had decided that since it was the last day of our trip, no one would sleep, but we were all in our beds by 1.00 AM
By 1.05 AM, I did not know where I was.Again.

12th March 2010, 7.30 AM

Finally, the last day of our trip had arrived. I was woken up by Mohit, but I decided to stay in the bed for a few extra minutes. Finally I got up, freshened up, and went in the girl's room next to us. Here, I was confronted by Megha. "Oye, did you hear what we said about you last night? The banging on the walls? The talks? Anything?". The juice, I thought. "Nahi yaar, I was deep asleep", I told her. Though, I have never been told what the talks were, and I was pretty astonished these girls talking about me, but I have been assured it was all in good sense, so its ok :)

We all had kept our luggage outside and were ready to check out by 10. The breakfast was not good (again). Inspite of repeated warnings, lot of people ate Puri-Aaloo. What would happen to their stomachs now depended on god and our bus driver, who was anyways not in a good mood because of some past debates. By 10.20, after getting pictures clicked and sending the luggage towards the bus, we moved.

The bus took off from Nainital at around 11. Special mention to Johnny the mountain dog who came all the way to the bus stop to say his goodbyes. After braving the mountain curves for about an hour, our first vomit contestant came to the front. Garima Arora. I was asleep at that point, and when the bus stopped, I happened to look outside. And, I think, I was the only person who witnessed Garima's throwup. Disgusted, I went back to sleep.

2.30 PM

The driver had decided to take a short-cut through the highway, saying it would help us cut about an hour. But honestly, I thought the route took more time than it should have. Anyways, the bus stopped in between for pee relieving. Everyone got down and went through the process, but Gitika got something in return as well. Want to know what? Ask her.

Though the later journey comprised of a lot of unpleasantness exchanged between the juniors and seniors, i'm not gonna write about it, because for me, its not important. A lot of juice flowing also happened, and I hope Apoorva would add on to that in the comments section. We finally reached our college gate at 10.00 PM

One of the most memorable journeys of my life had come to an end. I had made so many new friends, came to know so many people up, close and personal, and developed a special relationship with everyone. The only grudge I have is that this trip should have happened in the first year, so that the new found friendship had another year to blossom. But we all have promised that we will be planning something again, right guys? Hope to add more friends this time. Cheers!!!

Students for 2 years. Friends for life


  1. Well!!! U've really highlighted me in this if m was a treat to read it all...thanx Ravi...

  2. agree.,,,,it was a treat to read..finally we have all the days of fun captured in a blog...which we can read again and again and again...m gonna remembr this trip forever!

    Thank you Mr. Sharma :)

  3. @Apoorva and Swati: U r both welcome...plan more trips so that I can write more blogs :)
